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Lead Tech NYC

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Your #1 solution for Local Law 31 compliance. Hire Lead Tech today to skip the headache and enjoy low prices.

Our Specialty

Our EPA certified firm, Lead Tech NYC, specializes in comprehensive lead testing services, with a particular focus on precision and efficiency in lead detection. Using advanced technologies, like the latest X-Ray Fluorescent (XRF) models, we ensure accurate and swift results when assessing lead levels on various substrates within homes and apartments, as required by EPA and HUD guidelines.


Additionally, our expertise extends to thorough dust wipe sampling, a crucial post-abatement activity required by law in order for your dwelling to pass for re-occupancy. We employ EPA certified professionals to collect samples to submit for meticulous laboratory analysis per NLLAP, verifying the effectiveness of lead-based paint removal and ensuring that environments meet safety standards, which include a completely abated and lead based paint-hazard free home.


At Lead Tech NYC, our commitment to excellence in lead testing and dust wipe sampling reflects our dedication to creating safer living and working spaces for our clients. Trust us to deliver reliable, timely, and detailed assessments to safeguard the well-being of occupants and meet regulatory requirements.

Happy Clients

MD Squared Property Group

MD Squared Property Group, a property management company based in New York City with approximately 4,000 apartments, 90% of which fall under the requirements of Local Law 31.

The Moinian Group

The Moinian Group, one of worlds largest privately held real estate developers and owners with over 20,000,000 square feet under management.

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